
Botox (or ‘wrinkle relaxers’) are a type of injectable treatment that works by relaxing the muscles, which in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. 

Wrinkle relaxers are indicated for a wide range of cosmetic and medical concerns. It is FDA-approved for treating frown lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines, and crow's feet. They work by blocking nerve signals that cause the muscles to contract, leading to smoother and younger-looking skin. Additionally, wrinkle relaxers can be used for a variety of medical conditions such as migraine headaches, excessive sweating, muscle spasms, and even depression.

What is Botox?

Before & After Images

Tox patient before and after a jaw contouring procedure with Dysport Tox

The proof is in the pictures

Tox patient before and after a forehead line wrinkle relaxer procedure with Xeomin Tox

More Treatment Information

treatment cost

1 unit: $14

appointment time

15 min - 30 min
depending on treatment area

recovery process

You can return to normal activities the same day as your treatment

other tox treatments

Medical tox available at $1,200

hyperhidrosis & migraines

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The pain level depends on each patient’s level of tolerance. There is a “pinch” when a needle enters the skin. However, if the patient is scared of needles, we can use topical numbing cream to decrease the pain level.


  • Too much of anything is a poison. Yes, it’s a toxin we’re introducing to your body. But too much of anything is “poison” to your body.

  • We will not treat you if any of these apply to you:

    • Are pregnant or nursing

    • Received the flu shot (or any other vaccinations) within the last 2 weeks

    • Had dental cleaning or dental work within the last 2 weeks or scheduled within 2 weeks following cosmetic injections.

    • Have any active skin infections

    • Have an active flare of an autoimmune disease

    • Have any active bacterial, viral, body or blood infections

    • Have active Herpes Simplex (cold sores) contraindicated especially for perioral or lip injections

    • Are currently using a steroid or other immunosuppressive treatments within 2 weeks of cosmetic injections, (e.g., Remicade for RA, Methotrexate, etc.)

    • Have been on antibiotic treatment for any reason within 2 weeks of cosmetic injection (acne medications will be excluded)

    • Have any current or recent (within 2 weeks) upper respiratory infections or sinus infections

  • Some of these are contraindications to treatment and others are considerations. Either way, please talk with your provider before treatment.

    • Have had a recent COVID-19 Vaccination. It is recommended to wait 2 weeks either before or after your vaccine(s).

    • Have a known significant allergy to bee/wasp venom (anaphylaxis)

    • Have had any previous adverse events to products (nodules, granulomas, biofilms, allergic reaction, inflammation, vascular complications, skin discoloration, scarring, malar edema, nonantibody-mediated (delayed) edema

    • Have an autoimmune disease (particularly those pertaining to collagen/skin disorders)

    • Are currently using Coumadin or Warfarin.

    1. Stop any medications that increase the chances of bleeding- Plavix, Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Motrin, ALeve, Advil), Excedrin, Naproxen, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo Biloba 2 weeks prior - unless instructed not to by a prescribing physician.

    2. Consider eating fresh pineapple the week before and week after injections (cannot be canned or frozen) to reduce bruising.

    3. Consider taking the herbal supplement Arnica Montana, starting 2 days before treatment for a total of 5 days to reduce bruising

    4. Avoid alcohol 24 hours before treatment

  • Your injection sites may look like small bug bites for 15-60 minutes after the treatment

  • The number of units needed per area varies depending on the degree of lines/wrinkles a patient has and the desired outcome. The best way to know how many units are needed is to book a consultation to discuss your goals and assess your skin condition.

  • Do NOT lie down for the first 4 hours after treatment.

    For a total of 24 hours after the treatment:

    • NO rubbing, massaging, applying pressure, etc. at the injection sites

    • NO sweating; ie. no exercise, saunas, etc.

    • NO lying face down – avoid lying on your side if the crows feet were treated

    • Contract or work the muscles – this helps the product to absorb faster.

    • You may apply make-up or cleanse your face after treatment during this 24 hour period, but do so very gently & away from the eyes if these areas were treated = frown lines, forehead lines, or crows feet

    • Your TOX will start to take effect in 3-5 days, full effect in 2 weeks

  • The most common timeline of tox maintenance is 3-4 months. However, this depends on the areas treated as well as the patient's tolerance.

    • Drinking alcohol

    • Laying down before 4 hours after treatment

    • The night after treatment, recommended to sleep on your back

    • Excessive workout/sweat

    • Touching the areas of treatment

    • Putting makeup on the treated areas

    • Between the eyebrows

    • Forehead

    • Lines around the mouth

    • Pebble chin

    • Eyebrow lift

    • Wrinkles on the nose

    • Crows feet

    • Neck lines

    • Gummy smile

    • Masseter (TMJ or facial slimming)

    • Migraines

    • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

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