
Radiesse is among the most popular dermal fillers and is known for its immediate volumizing effect.

There are two types of RADIESSE products; RADIESSE® and RADIESSE® (+). These are dermal fillers that are used for smoothing moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the creases that extend from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth). RADIESSE® is also used for correcting volume loss.

What is Radiesse?

Before & After Images

The proof is in the pictures

Radiesse patient before and after a jawline and v-shape definition appointment with Radiesse
Radiesse patient before and after a jawline and v-shape definition appointment with Radiesse (profile view)
Radiesse patient before and after a jawline definition appointment with Radiesse
Radiesse patient before and after a jawline definition appointment with Radiesse (profile view)

More Treatment Information

treatment cost

1 syringe: $850

appointment time

30 min - 1 hour
depending on treatment area

recovery process

You can return to normal activities the same day as your treatment

expected treatments

Depending on the skin concern, you will need anywhere between 1 to 3 syringes

Frequently Asked Questions

radiesse dermal fillers
  • We typically use a cannula with this product, making it less uncomfortable than other injectables. However numbing is always an option for those who prefer it.

  • We will not treat you if any of these apply to you:

    • Excessive or undissolved filler

    • Are pregnant or nursing

    • Received the flu shot (or any other vaccinations) within the last 2 weeks

    • Had dental cleaning or dental work within the last 2 weeks or scheduled within 2 weeks following cosmetic injections.

    • Have any active skin infections

    • Have an active flare of an autoimmune disease

    • Have any active bacterial, viral, body or blood infections

    • Have active Herpes Simplex (cold sores) contraindicated especially for perioral or lip injections

    • Are currently using a steroid or other immunosuppressive treatments within 2 weeks of cosmetic injections, (e.g., Remicade for RA, Methotrexate, etc.)

    • Have been on antibiotic treatment for any reason within 2 weeks of cosmetic injection (acne medications will be excluded)

    • Have any current or recent (within 2 weeks) upper respiratory infections or sinus infections

  • Some of these are contraindications to treatment and others are considerations. Either way, please talk with your provider before treatment.

    • Have had a recent COVID-19 Vaccination. It is recommended to wait 2 weeks either before or after your vaccine(s).

    • Have a known significant allergy to bee/wasp venom (anaphylaxis)

    • Have had any previous adverse events to products (nodules, granulomas, biofilms, allergic reaction, inflammation, vascular complications, skin discoloration, scarring, malar edema, nonantibody-mediated (delayed) edema

    • Have an autoimmune disease (particularly those pertaining to collagen/skin disorders)

    • Are currently using Coumadin or Warfarin.

    1. The week leading up your appointment, avoid using skincare products with retinol, taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin or ibuprofen, and any other cosmetic treatments or ingredients that could irritate the skin.

    2. Avoid alcohol (at least 24 hours in advance)

    3. Avoid certain supplements like Vitamin E (discuss with your provider any other supplements you may be taking)

    • Swelling (lasting 24-48 hours on average)

    • Redness (lasting 24-48 hours on average)

    • Bruising (lasting 5-21 days on average depending on each persons unique healing time, medications they are taking, etc)

    • Tenderness/pain at the injection sites (lasting 1-5 days on average)

  • The number of syringes needed varies on the area being treated and the desired outcome. The best way to know how many syringes are needed is to book a consultation to discuss your goals and assess your skin condition.

    • Ice treatment area. Do NOT massage

    • Avoid alcohol 24 hours after injections

    • Icing frequently after injections for the first 12-24 hours

    • Can resume normal skincare routine

    • You may take Tylenol if in pain, NO Aspirin/Ibuprofen as it may increase chances of bruising

    • Avoid exercise for rest of day

  • Radiesse is FDA approved for 15+ months, however everybody metabolizes filler differently.

    • Please avoid any sexual acts that require the area treated

    • Over manipulating the area, especially for the first 3 days. To avoid pressure while you sleep, try to sleep on your back.

    • Alcohol for 24 hours

    • Avoid sunlight or excessive heat

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