Excolo Wellness Shot

What is the Excolo Wellness Shot?

The Excolo Wellness Shot is a procedure that takes a small amount of your blood, processes it to create a natural concentration of healing components, and then injects it back into your intimate area. This has been shown to promote better sexual function, sensitivity, and overall genitalia health by tapping into your body's natural ability to heal and rejuvenate tissues.

Potential Benefits

Improved sexual function
increased sensitivity
better overall genitalia health
enhanced vaginal lubrication
stimulation of collagen production
relief from urinary incontinence
reduction in pain during sex
increased libido

More Treatment Information

treatment cost

1 syringe: $2,300

appointment time

30 min - 1 hour

expected results

You'll feel an increased sensation during the initial 3-7 days, with the development of new tissue continuing over the next 3-9 weeks and reaching its peak around the 3-month mark.

how long do results last?

Typically results last for about 14 to 18 months. On average, people tend to opt for a repeat of the procedure every 18 months.

This treatment requires a consultation with Dr. Talbert before moving forward with the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Receiving the Excolo Wellness Shot is typically a painless experience. Our process involves using a gentle, cream-based product to numb the area along with ice, ensuring your comfort throughout. While individual experiences may vary, most patients report only minimal discomfort, describing the injection sensation as a slight pinch or warm feeling.

  • The Excolo Wellness Shot is not approved for:

    • Patients who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant

    • Patients who have an active infection

    • Patients who have experienced hypersensitivity in the past

    • Patients who have severe allergies

  • With no recovery time needed, it's a quick process that usually takes around 30 minutes, including the numbing stage.

  • You can choose to go for just one Excolo Wellness Shot or come back for more rounds to boost those results. We typically recommend giving it about 8 weeks between sessions to let the full effects of the first shot kick in. But hey, feel free to chat with our medical team about what timeframe suits you best!

  • After getting the Excolo Wellness Shot, here are some tips for post-care:

    1. Steer clear of sexual intercourse, tampons, and douching for the first 3 days.

    2. Hold off on bathtubs, pools, lakes, or hot tubs for the initial 3 days.

    3. Feel free to jump back into your usual routine, including showering, right after the treatment.

    4. If you experience swelling or sensitivity, you can use Tylenol (acetaminophen) and an ice pack. Just avoid aspirin or NSAIDs like Advil, Motrin, and Aleve for pain relief.

    5. While adverse effects are very rare, reach out to the office if you notice any bleeding, fever, extreme itching, or drainage from the treatment area.

    6. The Excolo Wellness Shot works its magic pretty fast. Patients typically see their final results anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

    7. Expect results to last up to two years with the Excolo Wellness Shot.

  • The majority of individuals undergoing the Excolo Wellness Shot report minimal to no side effects. In some cases, you might notice mild redness, swelling, or numbness in the first few days to a week after the procedure.

  • Once you are approved for this treatment via a consultation with Dr. Talbert, this is what you can expect during your treatment:

    • Draw your blood from an arm vein and spin it in a centrifuge to collect the platelet rich plasma from your other blood components

    • Undress from the waist down

    • Apply numbing cream to the treated area

    • Inject your platelets into your genitalia

    That’s it! This treatment ranges anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, but typically is complete within 30 minutes.

excolo wellness shot

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